ISSAEF George “Chip” Meadows Memorial Scholarship

June 15, 2024
Awards Available: 4

Scholarship Description

The Alamo ISSA Chapter, through the ISSA Education Foundation, offers scholarships to support students in San Antonio, Texas, pursuing education in cybersecurity/information security. The scholarships include the George “Chip” Meadows Memorial Scholarship and two additional scholarships aimed at increasing the representation of women and underrepresented groups in the cybersecurity field. These financial awards are designed to support students at both two-year and four-year colleges and universities in San Antonio.

Scholarship Details

  • George “Chip” Meadows Memorial Scholarship: $1,500 for a 4-year college or university
  • Two $1,000 scholarships for women and minority students at a 4-year college or university
  • $500 scholarship for a 2-year college

Eligibility Criteria

  • Enrollment at a participating San Antonio college or university
  • Focus on cybersecurity/information security education
  • Alamo Women’s and Minority Scholarships specifically aim to increase diversity in the field

Application Process

  1. Choose an eligible college or university from the provided list
  2. Prepare and submit your application according to the Alamo ISSA Chapter guidelines
  3. Include any required essays or documentation to support your application Scholarship Search